
The approach is process-driven. As symbolised in the graphic, it combines world’s best practice in methodology* with a genuine respect for people.

The process has three steps

  1. Analysis
    • Fully understand what you want; either a problem you want solved now, or medium/ longer-term goals.
  2. Plan
    • Agree on actions to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
  3. Execution
    • Staged deliverables are produced for your review to deliver a quality product on-time.

A word on pricing

It’s flexible. It can be by the hour, fixed price or win-dependent. It all depends on your circumstance. Ultimately, the pricing is value-based so you’ll want to come back for more.

And a few words on information management

Trust and transparency are key, so the same RFT/ enquiry will never be addressed for multiple clients. All information is managed using the Australian government’s guidelines on confidentiality, integrity and availability.

The goal

The aim is to provide services like you get water from a tap. Turn it on when you want it… off when you don’t.

If you think that can help you, call Mark on 0409 835 259 or email at

* includes the APMP’s Body of Knowledge (Association of Proposal Management Professionals) based on 80 industry-leading experts using 70 research-based publications.